How to Create Full-Page Screenshots in Airtable using Urlbox

Apr 28, 2022Rosie Threlfall

In this guide, we'll create full-page screenshots in Airtable using Urlbox. We'll use the Data Fetcher Airtable extension along with Urlbox to create these screenshots as attachment files in Airtable. This tutorial is 100% no-code!

Set up Screenshots Table

Create a table called 'Screenshots'.

Create a field called 'URL' and add the URLs you want to screenshot.

Create a field called 'Screenshot' with type 'Attachment'.


Create a new Grid view called 'Needs screenshot' with the following filters:

  • The 'URL' field is not empty.
  • The 'Screenshot' field is empty.
screenshots Needs screenshot.png

Install Data Fetcher

Install Data Fetcher from the Airtable marketplace. After the extension launches, sign up for a free Data Fetcher account by entering a password and clicking 'Sign up for free'. If you already have a Data Fetcher account, sign in using the 'Have an account?' button at the bottom left of the box.

Group 1Data Fetcher Sign Up .png

Create and Import Full-Page Screenshots from URLs in Airtable

On the home screen of the Data Fetcher extension, click 'Create your first request'. Requests in Data Fetcher are how you import data to or send data from your Airtable base.


On the create request screen in Data Fetcher, for Application, select 'Urlbox'.


For Authorization you need to copy and paste your publishable API key from Urlbox. This means Data Fetcher can import the screenshots from your Urlbox account into Airtable. You can sign up for a free 7-day trial or a paid plan of Urlbox here. If you already have a Urlbox account, you can find your publishable API key on your Urlbox dashboard.

authorize Urlbox and Airtable to connect

For Endpoint, select 'Create screenshots from URLs'


Enter a Name for your request, e.g. 'Import Screenshots'. Then click 'Save & Continue'.


For URL, we want to insert a reference to the values in our 'URL' Airtable field. First, click the + button.


On the modal that opens, select 'URL' for Field. Then select 'Needs screenshot' for Run for every record in view. Then click 'Confirm'.


URL should now contain a reference to the table.


For Format choose the file type you would like to import (PNG, SVG, JPEG etc.)


Under More options for this Urlbox endpoint, scroll down through the different options and enable 'Scroll full-page' to capture the full-page height of the URL as a screenshot. You can also set 'Scroll horizontally to capture full width' to capture a full width screenshot.

set urlbox image width to import to Airtable

Make sure the Output Table & View is set to 'Screenshots' and 'Needs screenshot'.


Click 'Save & Run'.


The request will run and the Response field mapping modal will open. This is where you set how the fields from Urlbox should map to the fields in the output table. Make sure the 'Screenshot' field is mapped to our existing 'Screenshot' field. Then click 'Save & Run'.

urlbox map fields to airtable to import screenshots

Data Fetcher will then run the request for every record in 'Needs screenshot' and convert the URLs to screenshots in Airtable.


Create Screenshots from URLs on a Schedule

At the moment, we have to manually run the request to create the screenshots. We can use Data Fetcher's scheduled requests feature to automatically create them every 15 minutes/ hour/ day etc.

In Data Fetcher, scroll to Schedule and click 'Upgrade'.


A new tab will open where you can select a plan and enter your payment details to upgrade.

data fetcher upgrade pricing plans.png

Return to the Data Fetcher extension and click 'I've done this'.


Under Schedule click '+ Authorize'.

Schedule Data Fetcher

A window will open where you'll be prompted to authorize which Airtable bases you want Data Fetcher to have access to.

We recommended selecting 'All current and future bases in all current and future workspaces' to avoid any issues with unauthorized bases in the future.

Click 'Grant access'.


Back in Data Fetcher, you'll see Schedule this request is now toggled on.

Select how often you want the request to run, e.g. 'Every 15 mins'. Click 'Save' The request will now run and create the full-page screenshots from your chosen URLs automatically on a schedule.

Group 11(2).png

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