How to Import New Upwork Jobs to Airtable Automatically

Jan 31, 2024Andy Cloke

In this guide, you'll learn to import Upwork jobs to Airtable. To do this, we'll create a jobs RSS feed in Upwork and pull this into Airtable using the Data Fetcher extension. You can use this to automate your Upwork job search and never miss a new opportunity again!

Create Job Search RSS Feed in Upwork

The first step is to go to Upwork and search for the jobs you are interested in. Make sure you sign in to Upwork first!

Go to the Upwork job search page and enter the job topic(s) that you want to find work for. For this example, we'll search for "webflow".

upwork search for webflow.png

Add any filters on the left-hand side, e.g. jobs that pay at least $40 / hour.

minimum $40 : hour jobs.png

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and change Jobs Per Page to 50 so that we get more jobs in our jobs feed.

webflow 50 results per page.png

Next we need to get the RSS feed for this jobs search, scroll back to the top of the page and click on the RSS icon, then select RSS.

upwork select rss feed.png

This will open the Upwork job search RSS feed in a new tab or window.

If you do not see a new tab (e.g. if it instead downloads the RSS feed directly), then try switching to the Chrome browser.

upwork rss feed tab.png

Now we'll use this Upwork job RSS feed URL to import new Upwork jobs into Airtable.

Add Data Fetcher

Add the free Data Fetcher extension to your base from the Airtable marketplace. After you've added the extension, sign up for a new account or sign in if you've used Data Fetcher before.

Group 1Data Fetcher Sign Up .png

How to Import Upwork Jobs to Airtable

Once you've signed in/up for Data Fetcher, you will see the home screen. Click on Create your first request. Requests are what we use in Data Fetcher to import data to/ send data from Airtable.


Select Custom for the Application on the request screen.


Enter the Upwork job search RSS feed URL from the first step into the URL input.

import upwork jobs URL input.png

Give your request a helpful name, like "Import Upwork jobs".

Then click Save & Run.

upwork jobs rss feed save and run.png

The first time you run this request to import Upwork jobs, the Response Field Mapping will open. This is where you configure how the data in the RSS jobs feed is imported into your table in Airtable.

There are lots of fields we do not need, so click Deselect all to deselect all the fields.

deselect all fields on response field mapping.png

Now we can select the fields we do want to import. These all start with "Rss channel item", so you can enter that in the Find field input to find them quickly.

For each of the fields, you can either map them to an existing field in your output table, by clicking Existing field and selecting the field. Alternatively, you can get Data Fetcher to create new fields for you by selecting New field and adding the field name and type.

We will add the following field mappings:

  • Rss channel item title → Existing Name field
  • Rss channel item link → New field called Link
  • Rss channel item description → New field called Description
  • Rss channel item pub date → New field called Date
open sidebar settings icon response field mapping.png

The final thing we need to do is select a unique field that Data Fetcher can use to merge the jobs in the feed with those in our table the second time we run the request.

Click the sidebar icon in the top-left to open the settings sidebar.

open sidebar settings icon response field mapping.png

Click Advanced settings to open the advanced request settings.

For the Update Based on Field(s), select the Link field.

upwork jobs update based on field.png

Then click Save & Run in the bottom right-hand corner.

Data Fetcher will create any new fields and import the Upwork jobs into Airtable!

upwork jobs imported to airtable table.png

Import New Upwork Jobs to Airtable Automatically

At the moment, you need to click Run to import the Upwork jobs into Airtable. You can use Data Fetcher's schedule feature to import the jobs automatically, even when you are not logged into Airtable or do not have Data Fetcher open.

This is a paid feature, so you'll first need to upgrade to a paid Data Fetcher plan.

Click on the Schedule tab, and click Upgrade.

schedule tab upgrade button.png

A new tab will open where you can select a plan and enter your payment details.

data fetcher upgrade pricing plans.png

Return to the Data Fetcher extension and click I've done this.

schedule tab ive done this button.png

Under Schedule click + Authorize.

Schedule Data Fetcher

In the window that opens, select All current and future bases in all current and future workspaces. This will avoid the need to do this step again in the future when you use Data Fetcher in other bases.

Click Grant access.


Back in Data Fetcher, the Schedule will now be turned on. You can change the schedule to the exact one you want. Then click Save.

request schedule tab.png

The request will now run on this schedule and automatically import new Upwork jobs to Airtable. You can use Airtable automations feature to send yourself an email every time there is a new job.

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